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Find the freedom to be your best, most genuine, self. Therapy is what you make of it. Yes, that may sound contrite, yet therapy is a safe environment to explore who you are, who you yearn to be, and what helps you feel content and fulfilled. The therapy office should be a safe supportive setting to talk through your thoughts, emotions, and both internal and external struggles in an effort to gain insight and guidance from someone who is trained and non-biased. A therapist will support, guide, and empower you to develop solutions, not place their own beliefs on you. YOU are the active change agent in your journey to contentment and fulfillment; a good therapist just guides the way.
​How do I get motivated? Am I ready?
We often have preconceived ideas or expectations for therapy. You may picture the Charlie Brown comic with Lucy at the 'Psychiatric Help, Advice 5 cent' or Dr. Phil dolling out directives on how one can fix themselves with threats of what will happen if they don't.
We rarely picture just sitting down and getting comfortable (yes most times therapy CAN be comfortable!) while talking with a non-biased person that is skilled in helping assess and evaluate current stressors, conflicts, and coping to identify and implement action and change. We believe strongly in cognitive behavioral therapy which in short addresses how cognitions (thoughts) affect our perspective, emotions, behaviors and outcomes.
There are times in therapy we evaluate our actions and decisions to assess whether they are best for our well-being. That can be difficult, even painful and challenging, sometimes. The driving force behind change is our internal motivation- when you decide you are ready; we are here. Take charge of your life and your happiness.
Dr. Caldwell is full and unable to accept afternoon and evening patients.
Bridget Ivey is pursuing her LCSW and has limited availability in Macon and increased availability in Milledgeville
Kimberly Cox is a Masters level intern who is practicing independently under Dr. Caldwell. She currently has afternoon and evening availability.
Patients who are placed on the waitlist will be contacted as openings become available. We try to admit patients from the waitlist monthly. To request therapy services, please send a request through this form.
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